To promote zero-deforestation coffee, GIZ is establishing a sustainable production region in Oromia, Ethiopia. UNIQUE developed a monitoring framework for sustainable production at the landscape level, using the latest information and communication technology. We implemented a digital baseline survey focusing on living income, deforestation, degradation and a food consumption score.
Country: Ethiopia
Period: 07/2019 – 02/2020
Client: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (giz)
Our digital solutions
- Customized app for the baseline study, living income calculation and food consumption score
- Automatic GPS tracking
- Direct synchronization of the data to the server
- Plausibility checks in the field
Monitor & Report
- Graphs and figures displaying data and information for baseline survey and living income for coffee
- Automated reporting
- Web GIS module displaying farm areas
- Forest degradation and deforestation report