We have all the suitable approaches, certification standards, spatial tools and scientific models at our hands. Our analysis tools calculate your key performance indicators like CO2 forest loss & change, GHG emissions, the living income of a farm household or the volume of wood in your forest. We use remote sensing to detect any type of land cover change spatiotemporal changes to forest and land cover and their vitality. Our analysis is not limited to data we Collect ourselves. Any additional information can be linked to create a comprehensive overview and give you the answers you need also using latest Earth Obervation datasets . All data can be presented through our Web-Dashboard or Interative maps automatically updating and distributing information to all users of the system.
Data modeling
Robust indicators require research based-models. We closely follow scientific advances on climate, forest and agriculture. We adapt new approaches to real projects on the ground. For example, we calculate the carbon sequestration of your agroforestry plot. This gives you robust and advanced indicators, while complex algorithms smoothly run in the background.
- Carbon modeling for below and above ground biomass
- Soil organic carbon
- Tree species specific algorithms
- Farm household income analysis
- and many more
Geospatial Analysis
Almost all forest & land use projects have a geospatial component. At some stage of the project cycle, you will want to include spatial analysis. With the latest technologies in data processing, satellite imagery, 3D analysis and cloud computing, we can offer solutions for a number of different topics.
What we work on
- Site suitability foand eligibility for Afforestation
- Reforestation and Revegatation (ARR), Sustainable Agricultural Land Management (SALM) or REDD projects
- Potentials for Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR)
- Improved Forest Management
- Deforestation and Degradation Analysis
- Land Use and Land Use Change Analysis (LULUCF)
- Identification of Green Corridors
- 3D Inventory
- Forest Damage Assessment using Time Series Analysis
- Modeling of Volume and Stock in Forests and Plantations using Satellite Imagery, Terrain Data or 3D point clouds
- Paddy field detection and mapping
- Deforestation risk analysis
- Wind risk analysis
Key Performance Indicators
How many women were trained? How much do farmers earn? Each project has Key Performance Indicators to report and monitor. We help to collect the data and analyze it automatically. This saves time and reduces errors.
- Gender
- Deforestation rate
- Nutrition score
- Carbon sequestered
- And many more