Showcase – Impact monitoring for banks in Latin America

Latin American countries have committed to ambitious forest landscape restoration targets, which play a  key role in achieving their Nationally Determined Contributions under  the Paris Agreement. Significant  private sector investments are needed for this.

We develop smart and easy to monitor indicators for agricultural banks who have agroforestry and restoration loans and want to demonstrate their green impact. We cover land use change, sustainable practices, CO2 and farm economics and develop a tailored tool for financial intermediaries.

Country: Paraguay, Peru and El Salvador
Period: 03/2019 – 02/2022
Client: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Nukleare Sicherheit (BMU)

Our digital solutions


  • Data collection –  a customized app was created for a gps measurements, farm household data and farm management practicies
  • Automated GPS tracking
  • Direct synchronization of the data to the server
  • Plausibility checks in the field
Read more about our collect applications


  • Spatial evaluation with time series analysis of deforestation and afforestation
  • Analysis of sustainable land management practices
  • CO2-Sequestration
  • Yield gain analysis
Read more about our analyze applications

Monitor & Report

  • Visualized  reports on deforestation and afforestation, CO2 sequestration and yield gains
  • Automated investment reporting
  • Web GIS module displaying farm areas
Read more about our monitor & report applications