Showcase – Mobile Application for private forest owners in Baden-Wuerttemberg

Due to the ongoing and severe implications of climate change in the forest sector, the importance of active involvement of (small-scale) private forest owners is growing. The App WaldExpert facilitates an easy access for forest owners in Baden-Wuerttemberg, to both, general information about forestry and forests and their own forest parcels in particular.

Project partner is Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschunganstalt Baden-Wuerttemberg FVA.

Country: Germany
Period: 2018 ongoing
Client: Ministry for Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR

Our digital solutions

UNIQUE is working on the interface between target group (forest owners) and app develop-ment in close collaboration with the project partner. WaldExpert includes following functions:

  • Forest parcel finder
  • CO2 and growing stock calculation
  • Contact persons in the relevant forestry authority
  • Different map layers with environmental information
  • Forest wik